/** * JS基础处理框架 * * @company: iqweb * @author: jack * @timer: 2019-05-016 */ var IqwXiongJs = { Width: $(window).width(), Height: $(window).height(), //banner切换效果 SwiperFadeIn: 'fade', EventKey: 'click', indexBanner: null, scrollTop: null, WowJsAnimation: null, HeaderTrue: false, //banner自动切换 SwiperAuto: true, imgLoad: [], AllImgLoad: [], AllImgFalse: [], //动画时间和切换时间 AnimateTime: 500, SwitchTime: 3000, //banner循环播放 SwiperLoop: 'loop', //移动1.5,电脑3 SwiperN: 3, //导航判断 IfNav: false, //头部高度 headerH: 110, //banner文字效果 bannerAnimation: 'fadeInLeft2', //数字滚动判断 NumberIf: true, //锚点距离 maoNumber: 0, //有锚点才吸顶 maoTop: false, //swiper居中 centerSwiper: false, //自由加入 NewsTab: null, ServiceSwiper: null, advantageG: null, fzAbout: null, honorAbout: null, swiperNumber: 4, navSetH :0, //EventKey: "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement ? "touchstart" : "click", Init: function () { var that = this; that.AddEventList(); }, //banner BannerSwiper: function () { this.indexBanner = new Swiper('.banner-box', { effect: this.SwiperFadeIn, loop: this.SwiperLoop, autoplay:true, fadeEffect: { crossFade: true, }, pagination: { el: '.banner-box .swiper-pagination', clickable: true, }, loopedSlides: document.querySelectorAll('.swiper-slide').length, on: { init: function () { $('.swiper-text-box .swiper-animation').removeClass('fadeInLeft2'); $('.swiper-text-box1 .swiper-animation').addClass('fadeInLeft2'); }, slideChangeTransitionEnd: function () { if (this.activeIndex == (this.loopedSlides - 1)) { $('.swiper-slide .swiper-text-box .swiper-animation').removeClass('fadeInLeft2'); $('.swiper-text-box' + this.loopedSlides + ' .swiper-animation').addClass('fadeInLeft2'); } if (this.activeIndex == (this.loopedSlides * 2)) { $('.swiper-slide .swiper-text-box .swiper-animation').removeClass('fadeInLeft2'); $('.swiper-text-box1 .swiper-animation').addClass('fadeInLeft2'); 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} else { $('.read-nav').removeClass('read-position'); } } else { $('.search-input input').blur() } //回到顶部按钮出现 if (that.Width > 1200) { if (that.scrollTop > (that.Height / 2)) { $('.return-top').fadeIn() } else { $('.return-top').fadeOut() } } // //定住导航 // if (that.Width > 1200) { // var navSetOf = $('.read-banner-img img').height() - 35; // if (that.scrollTop > navSetOf) { // $('.product-read-animation').addClass('product-read-fixed width-auto'); // } else { // $('.product-read-animation').removeClass('product-read-fixed width-auto'); // } // } // // //定住导航 // if (that.Width > 1200) { // // var navSetOf2 = ($('.read-banner-img img').height() + $('.faq-read-box').height() + 50)- that.navSetH; // console.log(that.navSetH); // console.log(that.scrollTop); // console.log(navSetOf2); // if (that.scrollTop > navSetOf2) { // $('.product-read-animation').fadeOut(); // } else { // $('.product-read-animation').fadeIn(); // } // } }, //获取底部top值 footerTop: function () { //窗口滚动 var FooterLogo = $('.footer-logo-wrap').offset().top; var windowH = $(window).height(); var FooterTop = FooterLogo - windowH; var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); if (scrollTop >= FooterTop) { $('.footer-logo-wrap').removeClass('footer-animation').addClass('footer-animation'); } $(window).scroll(function () { var FooterLogo = $('.footer-logo-wrap').offset().top; var windowH = $(window).height(); var FooterTop = FooterLogo - windowH; var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); if (scrollTop >= FooterTop) { $('.footer-logo-wrap').removeClass('footer-animation').addClass('footer-animation'); } }); }, //移动端滑动 or PC端渐现 ifWidth: function () { var that = this; if (that.Width < 1200) { that.SwiperFadeIn = ''; that.headerH = 65; that.SwiperN = 1; that.swiperNumber = 1.5; that.centerSwiper = true; that.maoNumber = -60; $('.swiper-fz-text .swiper-fz-span:nth-child(1) span').addClass('wow fadeInLeft d2'); $('.swiper-fz-text .swiper-fz-span:nth-child(2)').addClass('wow fadeInRight d2'); $('.advantage-li').addClass('wow fadeInUp'); } else { $('.swiper-fz-wrap').addClass('wow fadeInUp d4'); 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$('.pro-down').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!IfPro) { $('.pro-list-wrap').stop(true, true).slideDown(600); $('.pro-current-icon').addClass('rotate-icon'); IfPro = true; } else { $('.pro-list-wrap').stop(true, true).slideUp(600); $('.pro-current-icon').removeClass('rotate-icon'); IfPro = false; } }); } //联系我们下拉 $('.join-top').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var joinThis = $(this); if (joinThis.hasClass('join-blue')) { $(this).removeClass('join-blue'); $(this).siblings('.join-bottom').stop(true, true).slideUp(600); $(this).find('.join-read:nth-child(4) span').html('+'); } else { $(this).addClass('join-blue'); $(this).siblings('.join-bottom').stop(true, true).slideDown(600); $(this).find('.join-read:nth-child(4) span').html('-'); } }); }, //标签选择 lableList: function () { var lableClick = $('.mbx-nav span'); lableClick.on('click', function () { var lableThis = $(this); var lableIndex = lableThis.index(); console.log(lableIndex); if (lableThis.hasClass('max-hover')) { lableClick.eq(lableIndex).removeClass('max-hover'); 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var myIcon = new BMap.Icon(map_ico, new BMap.Size(130, 48)); var marker2 = new BMap.Marker(pt, {icon: myIcon}); // 创建标注 map.addOverlay(marker2); // 将标注添加到地图中 } else { var map = new BMap.Map("allmap"); // 百度地图API功能 var point = new BMap.Point(116.91824, 36.811204); map.centerAndZoom(point, 19); //创建覆盖点 var pt = new BMap.Point(116.919821, 36.810572); var myIcon = new BMap.Icon(map_ico, new BMap.Size(130, 48)); var marker2 = new BMap.Marker(pt, {icon: myIcon}); // 创建标注 map.addOverlay(marker2); // 将标注添加到地图中 } }, //选项卡 tabList: function () { $('.service-index-button li').hover(function () { $(".service-index-button li").eq($(this).index()).addClass("service-active").siblings().removeClass('service-active'); $(".service-index-button li").eq($(this).parents('.service-index-height').find('.service-animation').addClass('fadeInLeft2')).siblings().removeClass('fadeInLeft2'); $(".service-position").hide().eq($(this).index()).show(); }) }, //数字滚动 numberRoll: function () { var that = this; //窗口滚动 var dataTop = $('.data-number').offset().top; var dataH = dataTop - that.Height; var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); if (scrollTop > dataH && scrollTop < dataTop) { that.NumberCount(); } $(window).scroll(function () { var dataTop = $('.data-number').offset().top; var dataH = dataTop - that.Height; var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); if (scrollTop > dataH && scrollTop < dataTop) { that.NumberCount(); } }); }, NumberCount: function () { var that = this; if (that.NumberIf) { $("#number1").numberRock({ lastNumber: $("#number1").data('num'), duration: 2000, easing: 'swing', }); $("#number2").numberRock({ lastNumber: $("#number2").data('num'), duration: 2000, easing: 'swing', }); $("#number3").numberRock({ lastNumber: $("#number3").data('num'), duration: 2000, easing: 'swing', }); that.NumberIf = false; } }, //新闻 newsTab: function () { var that = this; that.NewsTab = new Swiper('.news-swiper', { slidesPerView: 1.5, initialSlide: 0, centeredSlides: true,//居中 loop: true, spaceBetween: 10, pagination: { el: '.news-pagination', clickable: true, }, // navigation: { // nextEl: '.news-swiper-next', // prevEl: '.news-swiper-prev', // }, }); }, //发展历程 FzSwiper: function () { var that = this; that.fzAbout = new Swiper('.fz-about-swiper', { slidesPerView: 3, spaceBetween: 0, navigation: { nextEl: '.fz-swiper-next', prevEl: '.fz-swiper-prev', } }); }, //荣誉资质 honorSwiper: function () { var that = this; that.honorAbout = new Swiper('.honor-about-swiper', { slidesPerView: that.swiperNumber, centeredSlides: that.centerSwiper, loop: true, spaceBetween: 0, navigation: { nextEl: '.honor-swiper-next', prevEl: '.honor-swiper-prev', } }); }, //底部布局 footerNav: function () { var FooterNav = $('.footer-nav').width(); var NavWidth = $('.footer-nav .footer-ul').width(); var NavLi = (FooterNav - NavWidth) / 4; $('.footer-nav .footer-ul .footer-li').css({ paddingRight: parseInt(NavLi) - .1 }); $('.footer-nav .footer-ul .footer-li:last-child').css({ paddingRight: 0 }); }, //回到顶部 TopHtml: function () { var scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop; $(document.body).animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 700); $('html').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 700) }, //锚点特效 maoAnimate: function () { var that = this; that.maoTop = true; that.aboutNav(); var _hash = window.location.hash; //锚点滑动 $('.about-mao').click(function () { var $target = $(this.hash); if ($target && $target.get(0)) { var targetOffset = $target.offset().top; $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: targetOffset + that.maoNumber }, 700); return false; } }); setTimeout(function () { if (_hash && $(_hash).get(0)) { $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: $(_hash).offset().top + that.maoNumber }, 700); } }, 500); }, //内导航吸顶 aboutNav: function () { var that = this; var top = $(window).scrollTop(); var aCurrent = $('.read-about'); for (var i = 0; i < aCurrent.length - 1; i++) { if ((top + 1) >= aCurrent.eq(i).offset().top && top < aCurrent.eq(i + 1).offset().top) { $('.read-nav ul li').eq(i).addClass('read-hover').siblings().removeClass('read-hover'); } } if (top > aCurrent.eq(aCurrent.length - 1).offset().top) { $('.read-nav ul li').eq(aCurrent.length - 1).addClass('read-hover').siblings().removeClass('read-hover'); } $(window).scroll(function () { var top = $(window).scrollTop() + 1; var aCurrent = $('.read-about'); for (var i = 0; i < aCurrent.length - 1; i++) { if ((top + 1) >= aCurrent.eq(i).offset().top && top < aCurrent.eq(i + 1).offset().top) { $('.read-nav ul li').eq(i).addClass('read-hover').siblings().removeClass('read-hover'); } } if (top > aCurrent.eq(aCurrent.length - 1).offset().top) { $('.read-nav ul li').eq(aCurrent.length - 1).addClass('read-hover').siblings().removeClass('read-hover'); } }) }, //默认方法 HtmlInit: function () { var that = this; $('html, body').show(); that.imgDown(); that.ifWidth(); that.WowJs(); that.footerNav(); //加载荣誉swiper that.honorSwiper(); that.navSetH=$('.product-read-animation').height(); //PC端导航下拉 if (that.Width > 1200) { that.navDown(); that.FzSwiper(); } that.NavScroll(); $('.video').trigger('play'); }, //预加载第一屏的图片 indexImgLoad: function () { var that = this; var len = that.imgLoad.length; //图片预加载 $.preload(that.imgLoad, { // 是否有序加载 order: true, minTimer: 500, //每加载完一张执行的方法 each: function (count) { var percent = Math.round((count + 1) / len * 100) + '%'; $('.data1').eq(count).append(''); }, // 加载完所有的图片执行的方法 end: function () { console.log('加载首屏'); that.HtmlInit(); //首屏图片太多按顺序加载,少于1张不加载 if (that.AllImgLoad.length > 0) { //加载首屏剩下的banner that.indexImages(); } if (that.AllImgLoad.length == 0) { that.allImages(); that.BannerSwiper(); } // //修改标题 // document.title = (index + 1) + '/' + len; } }); }, //加载首屏剩下的banner indexImages: function () { var that = this; //图片预加载 $.preload(that.AllImgLoad, { // 是否有序加载 order: true, minTimer: 0, //每加载完一张执行的方法 each: function (count) { $('.data2').eq(count).append(''); }, // 加载完首屏剩下的图片执行的方法 end: function () { console.log('加载完了首屏其他banner'); that.BannerSwiper(); if (that.AllImgFalse.length > 0) { //无序加载网站全部的图片,少于1张不加载 that.allImages(); } } }); }, //网站全部图片无序加载 allImages: function () { var that = this; //图片预加载 $.preload(that.AllImgFalse, { // 是否有序加载 order: false, minTimer: 0, //每加载完一张执行的方法 each: function (count) { $('.data3').eq(count).append(''); }, // 加载完首屏剩下的图片执行的方法 end: function () { console.log('加载完了全部'); } }); } }; $(function () { IqwXiongJs.Init(); });